Long Beach ESL Database

Cabrillo High School

Contact Information:

2001 Santa Fe Ave
Long Beach, CA 90810
United States
Phone: +1 (562) 951-7700

Cabrillo High School English Learners

This graph displays the count of students at Cabrillo High School who were classified as English learners when enrollment counts were taken. Note: In 2010-11, some 413 districts and independently reporting charters did not certify their EL data, resulting in an undercount of about 405,018 EL students statewide. In most cases, if a dip is seen in 2010-11, it is due to missing data, not a decrease in English learners.

Cabrillo High School CAASPP English Language Arts/Literacy Results

This graph displays the distribution of CAASPP English language arts/literacy results by achievement level for all students at Cabrillo High School. X-axis refers to the year the data is from and the Y-axis correlates to the percent of Students. The statistical data displays a trend in recent test scores from the 2016-17 school year to the 2017-18 school year. These tests are known as Smarter Balanced tests, or performance tasks that allow students to show what they know. These Smarter Balanced tests are part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System.